Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Baby Show

Heartfreek Challenge day six is Baby, so I've had a little play with a baby photo of me (couldn't think of anything else to do with baby), hope this works, tried the 1960's look on picasa but didn't like it, so black and white it is :)

Had a really long lie in (well as much as Billy would allow me to til 9am!), then just pottering around put some notes together for another assignment and done some shredding!

I might go to a wedding blessing later, I might not....

Just got back from a beautiful Wedding Blessing service. The bride and groom got married in Nepal, but the groom is a member in our church :) The weather was fabulous and NewburyJames was the photographer, see here for the lovely couple :)

Happy Bank Holiday Monday folks :)

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