Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2856. Young Pigeon

I’ve never actually seen young pigeons but these two have stayed in this nest near the swimming pool.  One of the adult pigeons was with one of them last week but this time she or he seemed to be patrolling along the flume pipe watching them today.  I think one of them may have already fledged but the other one seems to be stuck in the nest.  It’s a really exposed area now that the leaves have all but fallen from this part of the wall.

I also had my flu and 4th covid vaccinations this afternoon and my arm is pretty sore right now…I decided to get them both in the same arm because last time I had two together I found it difficult to sleep on my back as both arms were sore!
I was amazed to see that my 4th vaccination was also downloaded on to the Scottish Covid status app within a couple of hours of me getting it…can’t quite believe that the IT side of things has improved?

I made Santa Fe Chicken salad for lunch, one the recipes from Simply Cook and it was delicious and very healthy too!  I have been monitoring my diet and exercise via the Oviva app on my phone, supported by fortnightly phone calls from a dietitian and a health support worker.  I signed up in my local NHS area after they promoted an initiative to help prevent type II diabetes.  Apparently as I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my youngest, I am much more susceptible to getting type II diabetes as I get older, unless I manage my weight and exercise better than I have been!
I have lost half a stone since I started so I’m quite pleased with how it’s going.

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