Guess who's got Covid....

Lady Linda was due to come for dinner today and see our new house. She was also going to bring Mr W a new work laptop that got redirected to her house, but..... Mr W had a rough night and though he had another cold. Knowing Lady Linda was off on a cruise shortly, I messaged her to warn her and she decided she would give today a miss.

Mr W desperately needed his laptop so I said I would go and get it for him, not I tending to go into LL's but she wanted me to see her new bathroom. We spent about half an hour chatting before I left, only to get a call from Mr W to say he's tested +ve for Covid!!! Goddammit!

I rang the girls to warn them about the possibility of not being able to baby sit this week if I caught it too and wondered how we would manage at home between us. I knew Mr W wouldn't cope with being shut in a room for 5 days so suggested we just tried to stay apart, open the windows and asked him to cough into a tissue.

About an hour later he moaned he was sitting in a draught, didn't even cough into his hand let alone a tissue and was carrying on around the house as normal which REALLY piddled me off as I spend 15 days alone with Windows wide open, or wearing a mask and sanitising everything I touched. I even had to go and eat alone. 15 DAYS! So I got upset when I asked him again to cough with his hand over mouth and he said he did. Then stormed up to bed!!!

I have since taken him a cup of tea and a mince pie but cannot imagine fir a minute that's where he will stay for 5 days so its only a matter of time before I get it again.

While he was up out the way, I fixed the curtain pole thats coming out the wall, emptied the kitchen of boxes and sat with Bella while it blows a hooley outside with thunder and lightning. There's no way that Gazebo will stay intact tonight.

Roll on Friday!!!!

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