We want our star back
The first National Rejoin March was held today in London, marching from Green Park to Parliament Square. Attendance was estimated at 50,000, or in BBC Speak, hardly anyone.
Nothing like the million strong marches we’ve had but nevertheless it’s a good start to the new campaign and, as always, it’s very encouraging to be in such a friendly crowd all sharing support for our place in Europe.
There was much lusty singing of ‘You can shove your Brexit up your arse’ ‘This what democracy looks like’, and ‘bollox to Brexit’ of course, plus loud booing as we passed Downing Street. Only the banner bearers were allowed to stop there, as there were too many of us for everyone to stop. Among the front line were Steve Bray ( legendary “Stop Brexit!” man, Mike Galsworthy, founder of Scientists for EU and Guy Verhofstadt, MEP, the EU Brexit Coordinator, and long standing critic of the entire Brexit project.
I didn’t hang around too long at Parliament Square as I had a son meet when he finished work. Dare we hope for a glimmer of light about at least rejoining the Single Market in the not too distant future? It would be a good start.
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