Cameo Edinburgh

It was tipping it down all day and I might not have gone out but D and I had agreed to meet at the Cameo to see "Emily".  Since the Filmhouse closed, the Cameo has been reaching out to Filmhouse members and their own members.  I became aware of part of this when I was charged only £1 for my cafe latte in the Cameo Bar pre-film!  Filter coffee and tea are free for members on weekdays before 5pm.  I wasn't greatly taken by "Emily" the biopic movie about Emily Bronte.  I didn't like the way her character was protrayed or that of her sister Charlotte and the inference that her only novel, "Wuthering Heights" was inspired by an affair with the local curate, William Weightman, for which there is no evidence.  But all in all, the coffee, chat and film were worth the walk in the rain!

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