Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2854. Favourite Earrings

My sister bought me these for my 65th birthday this year and I absolutely love them.  I decided to make this a mono today as I took it with my iPhone and the cover (which is bright red!) was reflecting in them making them look a bit of an odd colour!
My hubby bought me a beautiful necklace and matching bracelet for my birthday this year and these match so perfectly that if I wear the necklace and bracelet, I always wear these earrings with them.

A bit of a frustrating morning as I had to help my youngest make a complaint to the OU about the mess that his funding has been in since June, along with the same email to SAAS who handle the funding.  We had to make a complaint because the contact options (you cannot email the OU) do not include the facility to attach an image, which we needed to do to show them why he cannot (and will not) get his funding (to which he is entitled) because the OU have told SAAS that he “did not attend” his course, despite the fact that it doesn’t start until January 2023!  It’s a mess, and what’s more SAAS have “closed” their mailroom so you can’t even write to them.  We found an email address for them that he’s used before and we’ve tried that but may still have to lodge a formal complaint with them too.  It’s a nonsense as it’s a silly error which could cause him to be unable to complete his degree.  Hopefully these two emails will sort it out.

I also had a phone call from my bank after I complained about a phone call I had from them during which the woman I spoke to wouldn’t listen to me asking for her to wait until I had put my hearing aids in as I couldn’t hear her.  She just ploughed on with her “script” and just wouldn’t listen to me asking her to wait a minute.  I asked the complaints handler whether or not they ever had any sort of disability training, he told me they had to attend monthly updates.  I then asked what was covered and did it include deaf awareness?  He said it included all aspects of disability and told me that the operative would have been able to see that I was hard of hearing on my account notes.  As the call was about 7:40pm and they close at 8pm, I suspect that she just wanted to stop work and go home!  I’m obviously disappointed that I’ve had to do this as it doesn’t reflect well on them as a bank at all.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a little less hassle and more peaceful!

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