Now we have everything

By Gembop

Bye bye full time daddy

Robin starts back at work tomorrow. And I'm nervous.

I'm more than happy looking after Charlie. Although Robin does most of the nappy changes (and, as evidenced in today's blip pic, the burping!) that's a piece of cake. I think I'm a little more worried about looking after myself. I'm not quite sure how I'll find time to shower, make food or eat! Robin does all the cooking in our house.

Thankfully although the weather has meant my friend Abby has postponed her visit tomorrow, Kelly (from NCT) has invited us round for lunch. She and I have been emailing back and forth, sharing bf'ing woes and just general first baby worries. Dylan is a couple of weeks younger than Charlie and it's amazing how she's feeling the same things I felt and experienced - just two weeks later.

I think the NCT course is already starting to pay for itself in peer support.

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