
If you're El Golfo bound then you're good. Salinas de Janubio? On this road? Forget about it.

Up early and out on the terrace with coffee and news-reading 'til it got light and a dip in the pool beckoned. Wandered down along the coastal path to the bike shop for when it opened and collected a nice-looking and decently-specced bit of kit for the next few days. Then ventured out for the first road ride of any kind for over two months and it felt great, and pretty alright riding-wise too. Got to admit tho' that I was flagging a bit in the heat on the way back to town - and that was the easiest bit of the ride too.

Out to the marina with my lot for tapas lunch and then another scenic spot for coffee and cake afterwards. Big shop on the way home - a day later than we planned thanks to all the delays yesterday, but we're all sorted now. Phew.

Can't Get There From Here

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