
By KCNQ2Haiku

Electronic banking monopoly

A game of cunning;
needs strategy and patience.
Not evidenced here.

I'm talking about Ben playing monopoly of course and not the current political situation..  I'm not going there :-/
There's a lot to unpack in just the photo though.  Firstly, new pyjamas.  Job one after school was to unpack them and put them on!  I'll take that as a win in the comfort department.  Also electronic banking monopoly.  What a game :-/  We discovered it in a holiday cottage, high on a windy hill, in deepest Wales and were mithered by Ben until we bought our own.  It makes quite an obnoxious noise but it is easier to tidy up when he gets bored (usually after 3 purchases and approx 8 mins).  Today he had the joy of landing on an airport (Heathrow if you're interested) and this is him flying in to close the deal.  Then it was game over.  It was fun whilst it lasted.
Quieter day today, still busy but manageably so.  
And it's Mr KCNQ2Haiku's mum's birthday.. so Happiest of Birthdays to her :-D 
Ben had a good day at school and older teen has finished for half term today, so that's nice.

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