Feeling Flat
I am generally a laid back person but this last wee while I find myself getting anxious about the state of politics in the UK and what it means for us all. I’m not avidly into politics but I watch and read enough to keep me informed. And I usually don’t share my views. I don’t know about you but I’ve had enough. It’s time for a general ejection and time for another independence referendum. Simples!
I have been flat out all day on little sleep and this was the only photo I took. I had to ask a client to take some photos for a Planner. During Covid they asked for photographs to help determine applications as we weren’t allowed to go out. Some are still doing this which is ridiculous. How can you determine a Planning application without visiting the site???Planners are using it as an excuse to avoid people who could ask them a question or challenge them!!!
And don’t get me started on Fife Council where it’s just impossible to pick up the phone and speak to a Planner or Building Standards Surveyor!!!
Rant over…
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