Exemplary behaviour

Today we went visiting............ We went to see Ann's friend, K, who is very, very, poorly, but who loves all animals, especially me. We stopped off at the shop on the way to buy K some flowers (this is a BLIP of me waiting patiently) and then we walked through the park so that I could have a run about.

Obviously, I had to have a little pep talk about how I should behave.

Normally when I go to Ks house I get let off my lead and zoom about all over the place in my 'silly puppy jumping up mode'. Today I was kept on my lead because Ann didn't want me jumping up at K. But do you know what........................ I was the bestest little collie pup ever. I just sat next to K and let her stroke me forever................... It was almost like I knew she was ill and I had to be gentle with her.

Ann was very, very, proud of me. We only stayed for a little while because the 'Palliative Care Nurse' was due to visit. However. K hasn't had any fresh air for ages so we're going to pick her up and take her for a little walk in the park, (probably next week), and apparently because I was so well behaved during the visit, I'm going to be allowed to go too. Yay!

….......................Which leads us onto the next dilemma...............

Because I am 'super friendly', Ann has always wanted to get me trained up as a 'therapy pet', or a 'Schools paws and read dog' but I had to be 2 years old. And then 'lock down' happened. And after 'lock down', I was still doing 'silly puppy jumping up'. I still am. BUT, I'm going to be 4 years old next month and Ann thinks I'm ready to start my training.................

After seeing how gentle I was with K today and how much joy K got from me visiting, we are seriously going to look into me becoming a 'therapy pet'. After all, what's 2 hours out of our week if we can bring a little bit of happiness into someone's life???

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