
It's a measure of my day that it's taken me a couple of hours between posting this photo and getting around to adding the title and text. 

This morning was calm enough. I walked Django to Tesco, where I bought The Times. After delivering it to Mum and staying for a while, I walked back along the old railway. There's still plenty of water flowing down the Esk to judge from this view. I arrived back home just in time for a dull meeting, but that allowed me to give a lengthy reply to one of my Year 4 project students. 

After lunch with A, I had a meeting with И and a guy in Brazil who wants us as collaborators on a funding bid he's putting together. He seemed cool, and has worked on another project that's helped us, so we agreed. This led to a flurry of activity that was heightened further when I had a note of interest in my PhD position from a very strong MSc student. Hence, interrupted by a couple of phone calls from И, I sent him an email that was long because I wanted to be as open as possible about the project he might join.

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