
By StorksRock

Thames view

From the towpath next to Petersham Meadows. The muted light and grey sky looked quite nice against the fresh greens. Taken in a run out to Teddington Lock,along the towpath to Richmond Bridge. A slow 7 miler altogether.

5 lily beetles died in our garden today. In fact, I murdered them. I've potted on the bedding plants that arrived this week - all 36 of them. They are now sitting on the table in the shed with a view of the garden. I'm hoping it will be warm enough in the shed overnight - I daren't leave them outside yet. Hopefully they won't drink the beer.......

We've seen the baby robin several times today, begging for food from Mum or Dad. Last night we saw the ducklings from my Thursday blip, being sheltered under Mum's wing. We saw them again this morning - amazingly there were still 11.

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