
By champignons

New shoes

After having a super time yesterday and a jolly nice lie in (because the nut went to bed so late) I couldn't help but be in the best of all moods today. Particularly after I bought myself a small birthday
gift.. I hope it arrives in time, one can't leave important things like gifts to others these days, I find, the more years go by the less I get.

So I put my new next top on that I bought on ebay and my favorite shorts and remembered I have no summer shoes after my ballet slippers murdered my feet and I decided the red DrMartens definitely need socks or they murder my ankles. So since I was in the best of moods I thought I was constitutionally able to engage in my most hated of activities, Shoe

So I walked into town and looked in clarkes and the purple shoes weren't in my size so they can go to hell. And I looked at the DM's but they were seventy five quid and I'd just spent 50 on sunglasses and dresses from H&M, not to mention the birthday gift. Normally I only buy clarkes, or DMs, because I am size 8, because I had a clubfoot, and shoes murder my distorted giant feets easily and because I am not willing to shop around. But today I went into Brantanos and bought these ones called orchard, which has many wide fit shoes. The strap is higher up than my red mary janes so I feel quite
grown up in them (18 years, belatedly, you might argue)

I was so excited about this that I walked to swimming to try them out even though I'd already walked 8 miles, just to try them out. And my
feets don't feel at all murdered.

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