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By PoWWow

Rollercoaster Date

My beautiful blue eyed boy took me on a surprise date to the luge, and it was incredible. The afternoon was baking + we smooched our way around Chamonix, for one final time. After the intimidatingly treacherous luge ride, we mulched about souvenir shops and indulged in cheesy tourist pursuits, always looking up at the pinking mountains attempting to capture their every state of beauty. We bought a few tins of warm Leffe and slumped on a grassy patch in Cham Sud, smirking triumphantly at the suckers paying six times as much in all the surrounding bars [we're usually two of them]. We spent an hour playing 'stick' with an enthusiastic dog, for those that know us, this was a real feat. Then it was cocktail hour so we went to our fave, MBC, for one. last. time. Slurped on Cham '69s + Long Island Ice Teas. Guzzled our guts out + cheers'd the season; for all it's ups and, erm, many, erm, downs. Hitched home with an austere Swiss Man and went to find our Trailer Park chums for late night happy hour. A great Chamonix Day.

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