Lala's Journal

By Lala

Just another rose in the garden.

I had to use B’s power torch to walk Dog this morning, so dark!

The day has not been a great one. I had news from my boss today that didn’t thrill me! I will be reporting to another department. In the past, I’d have messaged B, he’d have calmed me, and we’d have talked it over when I got home. I struggled all day to not snap, not cry. Every small thing wound me up. 

I looked on Etsy at memory cushions, and there you have them, cushions literally made from shirts. It’s going to be pricey, but I’ve picked out 8 shirts from the bag, and will choose 6. They’re probably simple to make, if one can sew that is but I can’t and there’s plenty of clever people on Etsy who will do them. I’ll deal with that on my annual leave. 

Liam called on his way home from work, and we both cried as he told me some of the conversation he’d had with his counsellor today. His boss took him aside later and told him to take proper time for the remaining calls. She told him that our lives are like a jar of glass balls. That family, friends, our feelings etc are glass balls, we have to juggle them and on no account drop one or it will smash. Then she said, work is a bouncy ball, and to make sure he doesn’t let a glass ball drop, but that even if he drops the work ball on occasion, it will bounce back! What a manager! I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything like that before, and he’s only had the job a few weeks!

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