Medronho Flowers

We have a single, solitary fruit on our two medronheiro (strawberry tree/arbutus unedo) bushes, and these gorgeous, tiny flowers for the second year. I always feel like we're shooting in the dark with our plantings here, and wish we could find someone knowledgeable to get advice from...

Back to sunshine, but rain is predicted, so I washed and aired all the bedding.

Finished The Book of Form and Emptiness, by Ruth Ozeki, a Zen Buddhist priest. Good review here. Mike's not interested, so it's another one for Cecílio's library. 

- more progress on the clothes culling, but still feels intimidating to actually get it finished
- catching up a bit with all three offspring, feels good
- Mike managing to get us both appointments in Beja, to hopefully acquire our post Brexit identity cards; it's been a long saga for all the Brits, and slightly worrying whenever we leave Portugal, so hurray!

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