
Katie stayed with her friend last night so that she could come to her other friend's birthday party today. They all headed to one of these bounce places. Izzys dad told me they only stopped the bouncing to refill their unlimited slush.... Much sugar, much hyper, much much much happy.

And then... I got cuddles! I picked her up from izzys and took her straight to ballet so she didn't have to miss her Saturday class. Now they dance on a Saturday, I may have to regularly do pick ups with a sleepover as she wants to go as often as possible. Anyway, I was ballet mum today for the first time in ages. I wandered Wells as she danced and saw a couple of her new ballet friends as they came out of class.

We set off home and she didn't last all that long before we pulled over for her to go to sleep. I stopped to join the sleeping for a while and we headed on with her back in the front to keep me company. We had to pull over again for her to move back to the back. She slept the whole of the rest of the journey!

She's home!! 

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