On Fire?

I think this is a Burning Bush. I saw it in a restaurant parking lot and I thought it might photograph well. I decide to use the straight-out-of-the-camera shot.

Today was a day of rest...except for sorting through Ellie's toys while she isn't here so I can discard the things she no longer plays with.  Tonight my husband offered to play a game of Scrabble with me. He isn't into playing games anymore, so I was delighted! 

My daughter went to the University of Oregon today to have dinner with her daughter and son, she just got home and went right to bed. She is leaving tomorrow for Amsterdam; her boyfriend is a pilot and he has a 3 day layover so she decided to fly with him on a companion fare. Seems like a long trip for just 3 days over there, but she is excited.

The weather was hot today...too hot to work in the garden. I need to keep the sprinklers on longer than usual this year; I dread the large water bill.

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