Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day .......................... to look back

As I write this, today is already yesterday. I'm left with a warm glow of all that took place during the day and know how privileged I was to be part of the performance of the Messiah last night.

It was just one of those times when things come together to make it a really special time. There was such a tingle of excitement in the air - and a feeling that nothing could go wrong. The sopranos soared, the basses oompahed, the tenors caroused - and I would like to think that we altos harmonised with everyone and joined it all together.

And it was all such fun! The place was completely packed - with every seat taken. It was great to see Arnside & beyond and wifie up in the gallery. An angel appeared for a while. Everyone got something out of being there and it was fantastic to one of the singers.

It was just one of those magic times ................................

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