A Sad Tale From the Back Yard

Last Sunday when I took dinner over to our neighbor Juanita, I noticed a foul smell in the air. Then, on Monday, the same smell when I walked out my back door. What to do, what to do? Well, we went on vacation. But, on returning on Friday, the smell was still there.

This morning, our other neighbor called and asked..."Do you know what that smell is?" Since I wouldn't go look, Lisa and neighbor Melissa went on the hunt.

What they found was a big doe in the back of Juanita's garage. We called her son Dan, and he came right over. I spared you the sight of the bottom half of the deer, and I will also spare you the details of our cleanup effort. Let's just say that I was close to vomiting, and when I hit my back door, I stripped off my clothes, and took them right to the washing machine.

It's always sad to see animals die. Dan thought she had been dead for 2-4 weeks. 

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