From a distance

Went for a very pleasant walk round Arthur's Seat with DaveH and Old Bat; although it was very blustery it was sunny and the bushes were alive with the sounds of various birds singing their little heads off. The gorse was in bloom so for a lot of the route were treated to its delicate coconut fragrance. Wonder if anyone's ever managed to bottle it?

As we rounded the hill Old Bat spotted the distant snow-capped mountain. The view is very foreshortened, of course; but I think that between the cupola on Old College and the tower of St Giles Cathedral we were looking at Dumyat in the middle distance (near Stirling, about 40 miles away) and probably Ben More with the snowy top (near Crianlarich, must be about 70 miles away). The direction seems about right.

I do love this city.

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