Trees at Shepardson Brook
We got almost 3 inches of rain and most of it was over last night. Things are a bit soggy today. I went for a walk down our road. The long pond is actually Shepardson Brook and it was running high. The brook runs over the dam and under our road and then winds around for about a mile or so and comes out farther down the road and runs under it. It was spreading out all over a hay field. These trees are sitting in the overflow before it runs under the road into the hay field.
I was surprised that there were still quite a lot of color left on trees after the wind and rain. Not so much on these trees but still a hint.
It is weirdly warm for this time of year. We have been in the 60s. Last night we heard some poor confused peeper frogs wondering if this was spring. I saw a lone monarch flying today. It must have been a late emerger but I sure hope it gets going somewhere and doesn't stick around.
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