
By NightOwl45

Shattered Saturday

Been feeling very sad and fatigued today. I haven’t done anything, not even my German revision lesson on Duolingo but am determined I will do it tonight before bed.

Spoke to Rosie and another friend via text. Haven’t read a single page of my book today, hopeful I will manage a few pages before today is through.

Today’s Blip is one of my fruit bowl full of Pink Lady apples, my favourite variety.

I watched Strictly Come Dancing tonight, I love dance and used to dance competitively (Scottish country dancing) when I was primary school age. Our team won regularly in school competitions. I’m not sure who my favourite couple on Strictly are yet. There’s a lot of good dancers this year.

Up until fibromyalgia took its hold, I danced a lot socially. I really miss it.

I hope you’re all having a superb Saturday :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! xx

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