Dirty birds
I’m up and out early. Only to find that my car has been spoiled by an avian dirty protest. I drive home via the snack van at Penicuik‘a Screwfix, setting myself up for the day with a cheeky black pudding and bacon roll. All very unethical.
Angus is chilling at the Cowshed. I shower and head to the office, where there’s a hackathon entry to finish up. My job is to pull together a three minute video to showcase what the team has done - which can’t really be done until they’ve finished doing it. So, I’ll be working late, because entries have got to be in before midnight Eastern time.
I head home to rustle up a pot of veggie soup m, early evening. Then it’s back to the video editing in the office. All done by 11:00 and then a cold, dark walk through the fields.
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