
After last week's power walk warm up for our home workout on a Sunday I decided I needed to take a camera with me this time. We did a different loop to see more of Kelvingrove Park. Such a nice place to walk through.

This statue was close to the entrance to the park. I thought it was great but, to be honest, had no idea what it was for. So I had to do a bit of research and here is the back story (Thanks to Wikipedia)...

The statue is in memory of Bud Neill, a Scottish cartoonist who drew cartoon strips for a number of Glasgow based newspapers between the 1940s and 1960s. His most famous work was "Sheriff Lobey Dosser of Calton Creek" which appeared in the Evening News from 1949 - 1956. The strip was extremely popular with Glaswegians and it merged the adventurous style of the silent era western movies with traditional Glasgow stage humour, particularly pantomime. The outrageous puns and surrealistic drawings have endured over time and now attract a cult following.

The statue depicts "Lobey" with "Rank Bajin" in handcuffs, astride two-legged "El Fideldo". The statue, (I love this fact), has the unique distinction of being the world's only two-legged equestrian monument.

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