
Some other treats I looked at in the baker’s yesterday while waiting to get our rolls. Useful, because it’s all I have for today’s blip. Maybe I will buy some for the next time we visit the little ones, although sweet things are very restricted.

We visited a friend who had a horrendous accident last weekend and has been in hospital in the Intensive Care Unit. She was wearing crocs to take food waste out to the compost bin and tripped in them, throwing herself onto the rim of a large flower pot. She badly damaged her oesophagus and larynx and had other awful injuries to the inside of her throat. It’s a real miracle that she is still with us. So say the doctors too. Wonderfully, the surgeon, on doing her pre-op examination, noticed the cartilage blocking her throat was starting to crumble and so clear the blockage and self heal. She will have no voice for several weeks but looked so good today and we are truly grateful for this wonderful healing.

Choir this evening and sadly our choir leader is very poorly and we may not see her again. Her returned cancer is not responding any more to treatments. We will wait and see, and pray for the best for her. We know prayer is not a guarantee of a good outcome but our prayers are always heard. We have many questions but trust in a God who knows better than us.

Please click on this link in this Breast Cancer Awareness month to give free mammograms to those who would benefit from having one. Thank you!


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