Howdy There
Another balmy Autumn day for us. We had light rain off and on all day and some pretty dark clouds. I ironed and puttered around and took advantage of being inside. This sweet titmouse entertained me while washing dishes. Many of our songbirds had disappeared but today we also saw cardinal pairs, wrens, house finches, chickadees and too many house sparrows. So glad they are coming back to the feeders. Our WV menu is all typed and my Christmas spreadsheet is almost up to date. Hubby worked in his shop and study. We are heading to dinner with my sister and BIL for a belated celebration of their wedding anniversary. Our first attempt was waylaid by my trip to the hospital with Mackenzie. They are still running tests to diagnose her medical issues. It is hard waiting for results from each test especially when the minor illnesses come back negative. Otherwise, things are pretty calm at our end. Wishing you peace and safety. Thanks for the visit. “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” - George Eliot
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