Stepping Out

My watch is broken so I don’t know what my actual step count is but I’ve a good idea.

I walked the dogs early, in a beautiful misty park.
Then to church to lead a Bible study that’s been heavy on my heart since last Friday - it was on death, from Ecclesiastes, and 2 of my ladies are recently bereaved and 1 is grieving a failed marriage and I knew this study, written by someone else and titled ‘Death and it’s gifts’ was going to be tricky.

I pre-warned my group and that helped and by Gods grace, the morning was ok.

Then to lunch with a bunch of old friends, affectionately named ‘The Shebbear Madhatters’ - we were leaders together on a Christian youth camp for many years. They were a joy to catch up with, even though one of our original group is already in Heaven.

Then home, on a diverted route.

And Elbows is in Bratislava and Prague today.

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