Watching the weather

I know - it’s not the normal kind of holiday photo, but it is this kind of holiday photo.

Today the wind blew, the rain battered the windows, and occasionally the sun shone. Interesting weather and, if you like ‘weather’ as Gordon does, it is very interesting. He watches the clouds and predicts the next shower, he watches the geese in the fields, he wanders down the lane and gets wet, but doesn’t mind.

I stay inside in the warm, sit in comfortable chairs and read and then spread all my sewing stuff over the big table and revel in the light that comes in from every window, watch the clouds as they move across the sky and note the changes in the colours. When you live in a place surrounded by hills and trees it makes such a change to see horizons and space and big, ever-changing skies.

So here is my sewing - a collage of fabrics and threads, many from the pack my daughters bought me and some from Uist Wool yesterday. I tentatively asked if they had any leftover bits from the carding/spinning processes, our lady disappeared and came back with a bag full of stuff.

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