
Trimming a border on the Pompon Blanket...it’s called Apple Green and it’s a lovely color ...the late night light doesn’t do the yarn colors justice at....and that’s why you should take your Blip photo earlier in the day....:)))
I didn’t have a great afternoon/evening as my right eye suddenly became very irritated and blurry ...it does it occasionally and I think it’s because of the drops I use for Glaucoma...I had just left my phone down from making an appointment with Specsavers to have my usual eye test too!!
I will speak to them about it when I go on Monday.....there’s only one thing for it and that’s squeezed out very cold teabags and rest them on my eyes..they work wonders ..I spent a long time lying in bed last night with them on and thankfully this morning Blipping (thurs morning)..the ‘fog has cleared....but it freaks me out as I don’t mind being deaf and the roaring tinnitus and often being in a lot of pain...but anything wrong with my eyes and I very nearly have a full blown ‘panic attack ‘...not a nice sensation .
However, enough moaning now ...it’s a beautiful sunny morning so we’ll ‘struggle on’...
Hope all have a lovely day .A x

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