
I use this saying all the time and my friends love it and also think I'm a fruit loop. Anyway one of my friends saw this in a store and just had to get me It. I absolutely love love love it. 

It's been a good day. Xander read to me this morning before school and when everyone had gone I managed to go for my first ever shower in a week. It felt great.  I've been having sink washes and this was like nectar.  My arm didn't like being out the sling and was so sore.  But I was happy for a shower.  

We had a walk down to the park in our street.  I left Mr R to it after 5 minutes.  I was too sore. And he needs to experience having 4 wildlings on his own. The poor Jedi has his dad's cold so the fresh air did him good as he was miserable earlier.  

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