toaster's world!

By 2112toaster

Swinging on a Swing

Took my young daughter ( Bethany) a walk along the south Calder river this afternoon, weather was dry and a tad cold, she noticed the Swing Park way in the distance, and running off towards it shouting Dad! Can I go on the Swings! I laughed to myself, only a moment before she noticed them, she was saying she was tired and Hungary and asks if We could head back to the car ( we'd walked for about 2 miles) well I can say, after 20 minutes in these swings, we completed the whole 7 mile walk without anymore complaining... Hurray for Swings :) mind you, my heart was in my mouth the whole time she was on them & trying to get higher and higher ( oh a Fathers worries are never ending lol )

This photo is for Tangentine... Hope it makes you Smile :)

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