Services Day
We started the day with breakfast at The Ship, and then went on to the Services Day at the Lifeboat Station. B and I always went, and it was nice to keep up the tradition, especially as we have raised well over £1000 from donations in memory of B for the RNLI.
James, Liz and the girls left afterwards, and after I’d done the necessary laundry etc, I was left feeling exhausted although I’d done very little. I fell asleep on the sofa, over an hour I think, and didn’t feel any less tired when I woke. I felt flat and it was a real effort to get myself out to walk Dog. Is the tiredness and often overwhelming fatigue due to grief (I don’t like that word either, because it doesn’t really explain anything) I wonder?
I’d had a full English this morning and wasn’t hungry, so didn’t bother with dinner, but did open the box of chocolates Liz had brought for me!
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