Tel's Blips

By TerryS365

Springtime Blossom

Being a huge fan of the nature photography of Niall Benvie especially his flower studies taken against a pure white background I recently downloaded his e- book 'The Field Studio' in which he describes his technique of using flash through a white backdrop.

The blossom here (I'm afraid I don't know what it is ) was placed in the light tent with a strobe set to over expose the background and a ringflash on the camera to light the subject.

As this was my very first attempt it took a great deal of experimentation to find the right balance between the two flashguns to find the correct exposure utilising the histogram information.

I have an awful long way to go to even approach the standard of Niall's images and even though I still prefer to use natural light where possible this is a technique I intend to explore a lot more throughout the Summer.

Please look in Large for the details

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