A lovely day out

What a lovely day out, we've had. Ann's friend, Diane, has never, ever been to 'Port Isaac' before. For those of you who watch 'Doc Martin', you will know that 'Port Isaac' is where all the filming has taken place, so Diane wanted to have a bit of a mooch around and see the Docs house. (See extras).

And for those of you who are interested................... Yes the house is up for sale. It's been reduced to £1,150,000??!!  Fabulous location, but at the end of the day, it's still just a two bed/one bathroom house. 

The humans spoke to a 'local' who said the house isn't selling because................. if you're spending that much money, who wants to look out of their windows and see a load of tourists posing around taking photos????????????

Sooooo..................... we trekked around taking a load of photos.  Oh, and there is a 'Doc Martin Tour' around the village which costs £12.50? Seriously?...................

My human hasn't been to 'Port Isaac' for years and she always just parked in one of the residential streets in the higher part of town. Now there are signs saying, 'residents parking only', which to be honest, is fair enough so we parked in the big car park at the top of town which was £4 for 3 hours. Bargain! It would be 4 times that price in Edinburgh.

Anyway we had a fabulous time and then we moved on to Tintagel to see the new bridge over to where all the castle ruins are. (See extras).

Oh, and the humans had a pasty and neither of them shared. Boohoo. 

When we got home at about 4.30pm I gobbled up all of my breakfast (which I hadn't bothered to eat earlier) and then Ann gave me more dinner at 6pm which I gobbled up.

…..............We have had such a lovely day out. Thank you, Diane. xxx

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