Imagine the view....

By btc

London A-Z: Shaftesbury Avenue WC2....

...a very strange day, around midnight I was in the middle of London's West End (quick 30 secs of photo time allowed, so not the greatest shot), 4 hours later I am in my wellies stood in the middle of Lake Windermere (the strangest things happen on Friday nights/Saturday Mornings).

It is offical that weather up North is rubbish and is just cold and rainy all the time, but it does have some nice stretches of water.

Another quick blip because its been quite a day and I'm knackered. Given my location the London A-Z is going to have to take a hiatus for a couple of days but will return soon to its conclusion

Thanks for all your lovely responses to the invasion of the imperial stormtroopers yesterday (looks like I blipped it a day early)

I would also like to state for the record that no traffic laws were broken on the journey from London to Cumbria...........(honestly)

P.s. Shaftesbury land....blah.....fancy Helen Mirren still...blah....knackered....nite x

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