Proud mother of 7 cygnets

5 cygnets was the most that I could count when I stopped at the artificial island on my way to the sanctuary this afternoon. It still amazes me sometimes how easily people start talking to someone holding a camera but just before I had to leave two separate passers-by told me that they were certain that 7 of the eggs had already hatched.

After my walk with Thelma and a short visit to the pet store I stopped at the island again on my way home. The cygnets had moved to the foreground whereas they'd been behind their mother earlier but still I could not count 7 of them but only 6. Thankfully I managed to take 2 shots before all 4 batteries of my camera died in which I could finally see 7 of the little ones. This is one of them and the other photo can be seen here. In one of the other photos I could also see the last egg that hadn't hatched yet.

3 of the aforementioned batteries were already running low from the last few days and I only had one fully charged one to start with today.

I'm very preoccupied with a meeting that's taking place next Wednesday which I'm fairly sure will not go in my favour. I've no idea yet what I'm going to blip tomorrow but it will most likely have to be a quick one as I'll have to spend quite a bit of time preparing the folders that I have to take with me to the meeting and I don't want to leave getting them ready until the last moment.

Thank you for the lovely comments, stars and hearts on my cygnets blip from yesterday. They are very much appreciated. :)

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