2022 Friday — Busy Neighborhood
Our backyard project is at full blast ahead today. The plumber, the electricians, and the handrails & fence builder are all here — a little overwhelming.
If that wasn’t enough, the load of drywall for the home renovation down the street is being unloaded up the street from the big delivery truck and carried by a forklift past our house to the renovation project. We’ve never lived in a neighborhood that’s been so continuously busy with either new construction or home improvement construction.
Our plumber found a gas leak in the new gas line. He’s here today to check for leaks. I am not glad that he found a leak, but I am glad that he is making this place safe. A small portion of a retaining wall had to be deconstructed so the leak in the gas pipe can be found. I can’t describe how devastating the sight of Allan Block all over the ground was when I saw that today. The plumber will be back tomorrow.
And tomorrow the backyard project will conclude.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!
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