Just the Withers......

By JaneW

It's important ...

To keep ones hair dry on a dog walk ... Hence the use of EMPTY dog poo bags to use in the emergency .. A squally shower just hit us you see ...
I also made some biscuits today which Eve helped decorate and then I made a batch of regular fairy cake mixture but on a whim I chucked in some lime zest and juice squeezed from the limes and also I shoved in some dessicated coconut ... Well thankfully the shoving stuff paid off and I know it's naughty to boast but THEY ARE DELICIOUS !!!
I shall try my hand at other random ingredients I think ..

With the camping booked I am now on countdown to 'sorting' I have just been ferreting about in the loft for all the wetsuits and stuff .... I am beyond excited !!!

North Devon best watch out .. Again ;)

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