Up and down…

I had another trip into London today. I met up with a friend to lend her a jacket for her forthcoming holiday to Jordan. I then had a wander up Victoria St. I moved down to London 36 years ago this month and my first job was close to Victoria. It has changed so much and it was sad to see House of Fraser closed ( although to those of us of certain vintage it will always be Army & Navy)
I then met up with I for lunch. 
A good day until I got home and opened my post. The new owner of next door have applied to demolish their bungalow which adjoins my property and build 2 houses….I am obviously going to object but I’ll be honest, given the reputation of my District Council I’m not hopeful.
My blip is a  heron that was loitering in one of the flower beds in St James’ Park

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