Petertown (Day 2709)

It has been a day of zooming around doing stuff which should have been easy and straightforward but turned out to be more time consuming than planned.
A leaky sink in Orphir was the first job of the day. Taking the waste out of it scraping all the old silicone off, re-sealing it and re-fitting it took far too long, mainly because of the limited room to work under it, squeezed between a couple of kitchen units. Next, along to fit a replacement radiator cover for a customer in Petertown. The old one didn't really want to come off.
That done, eventually, I zoomed across to Stromness to sort a wobbly tap and toilet seat.
Home for a later than planned wander with Sigyn and an even later lunch, then out to Rendall to swap over a shower pump. I had been expecting and easy direct replacement, but it needed a whole lot of re-piping.
Glad to get home, at last, to  my beautiful wife

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