Greedy Guts!

Seymour wanting a crisp. 
Earlier I was out with the 
Kray Twin dogs and I got caught in an almighty shower which was quickly followed by a huge clap of thunder. Luckily, the wee Kray that was off the lead didn't bolt . Next came lightening and there I was in the middle of a wood with a dog in one hand with a metal clip on his lead and a flaming metal walking pole in the other.  ( a pure lightening conductor if ever there was)I just stretched out my arms and said to Mother Nature Bring it on! fortunately, she ignored me. Then, to cap it all, a massive stag stood there peeking out from behind the trees. The wee red Kray spotted him and wandered down to say hallo but Mr Stag stamped his foot and I called the wee Kray back and put a lead on him, I didn't fancy losing him in the forest! 
After all that, I was glad to get back home.
Have a good weekend one and all.

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