Toboggan sledge Madeira

Rode down the toboggan in the traditional basket sledges which date back to early 19th century where they were used as a means of transport by the local residents who wanted to travel quickly from the village of Monte to the city of Funchal.

For many years toboggan riding from Monte has been a very popular tourist attraction.
The Toboggans are diven by two runners, dressed in white and wearing the typical hats known as straw boaters.
The descent from Monte to Livramento is approximately 2 Kms and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Monte itself is a well-known beautiful spot, famous for its amazingly lush gardens and splendid views over the city and beyond. The route to Livramento is in a very picturesque area and a thrilling ride of up to 30 km per hour .it felt a lot slower than that lol

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