
This is Archie, Ivy's house guest.  His mum has gone to France for a week and so he has come to stay with us.  We have looked after him in the past, pre-Ivy days, and so he was somewhat amazed to find an energetic young dog here when he arrived on Sunday.  But he is the sweetest boy and a good, calming influence on Ivy!  He is now 12 years old and so he certainly isn't into chasing after squirrels and all that malarkey -  he's much happier going for gentle strolls, eating and  sleeping!

We had a lovely walk with the doggies this morning at Sherborne and I took a quick snap of my favourite tree which is always the first to come out in spring and the first to change colour in the autumn.  I've put it in extras in case you'd like to see it.

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