Quick blip 2...

Thank you all for yesterday, you rock.

Got my camera headed out the door for a blip in the garden when it started raining. Straight back indoors to put the camera down & out again to bring in the washing.

So indoor blip for today. I would like to introduce...

Bobby my nephew Darren's wee dog. He got it with his own money, he arranged an instant loan from his Mum (to be repaid the next time he was at the bank) & insisted that I looked after it when we got home. He then said "Of course I have to come & visit all the time to make sure he is ok." For a 5 year old (6 on Friday) he is very sure minded.

Such a busy day today, I seemed to be getting it from all angles. So glad its over, tomorrow is a new day after all.

Shona :0)x

ps/ my year ago blip was the 1st ever busy bee I capture

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