Babysitting again today. We got some things organized in the house and he played with the toys. After lunch I went to the grocery store and hubby and little guy went to drop off some furniture at Habitat for Humanity and fill up the truck with gas. We all arrived home at the same time and put away the groceries and had a snack. Then off to the park at the community centre where his mom met us when she finished teaching. We went to the library while there to get some new books. We have been mostly reading free ones on our kindles but they aren’t always the greatest. So it was nice to get authors we know and have more choice of what to read. There are never any overdue fines here and if you never return it they just list it as lost. A perk of small town living. This tree was in the park. The sky was so clear today and it was a beautiful warm autumn day. 

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