A windy walk

Wasn't it horrible weather in St Ives this morning? I only got taken into the field first thing for toileting purposes and we both got absolutely soaked through to our skins. I had to be thoroughly dried, and Ann had to take all her clothes off. Not a pretty sight. Lol!

Fortunately, by 10am all the horrible rain had stopped so I went down to Porthmeor Beach for a play.

By this afternoon, it was lovely. The sun was shining, and the sky was blue, so I went over to 'Godrevy' for a run about on the dunes and beach. And do you know what?..................... I think the dunes are one of my favourite places to play. There's just so much space for me to run and run and run. ….......And so many prickly bushes where I know that bunnies live. ….........And so many lovely new smells. Occasionally, I go running off into the prickly bushes because I get the scent of a bunny. ….......And then I don't come back the minute that Ann calls me. ` …........And then Ann goes into 'paranoid collie pup mummy' because she doesn't know when I am. …..........And then she calls & calls & calls for me. For about half a minute at the very most?! #paranoidcolliepupmummy …........And I just ignore her?! I can hear her shouting, 'Trixie, come', but to be honest I know exactly where she is, so why would I bother zooming back to her when there's bunnies that need chasing? ….......And then because those pesky little bunnies go down their burrows and I'm too fat to fit down a bunny burrow, I just go zooming back to Ann.

I've had a lovely afternoon.

PS - I didn't manage to catch any bunnies this afternoon.  Booooohooooo

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