Autumn is coming

Ros called for coffee. We’ve not see each other for ages as she was in isolation in case she got Covid before her hip op which was postponed so more isolation, then we were away. It’s 6 weeks since the op and she’s making slow progress but managed the walk along the road with 2 sticks. We had a great catch-up. Sadly she told me of 2 mutual acquaintances who have developed forms of dementia. I read that 1:14 of over 65s have it. That’s a scary statistic.

The rest of the day has been spent clearing the spare bedroom ready for the people coming to make holes in the wall for the dehumidification process. We have several bookcases there with DVDs (and home videos) so we went through them, putting most aside for the daughters to see if they want them, otherwise they go to a charity shop. (The videos to the tip). I also agreed to sending my dad’s tweed overcoat to the charity shop. (He died 27 years ago). I dropped off some toddler toys and books for Shona’s granddaughters. There’s a lot more we really need to get rid of but that’s enough for today.

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