Last night's adventures.  We left with plenty of time to get to Ulverston, I never leave things to the last minutes as that is usually when hold ups occur.  Driving down The Mosses (the B5278), we were lucky that it had stopped raining at that point, when I noticed a pheasant by the side of the road in the corner of my eye and slowed down a little (I wasn't going very fast anyway as you can't down that bumpy road). Literally just as I was about to pass him he darted out right by the wheel of the car and he hit the front grill of the car, bounced up over the left hand side of the windscreen and then darted off somewhere!!!!!! What a scare.  It left me feeling I should have stopped and waited till he passed but it all happened so fast and I didn't think it was safe to stop in the middle of a road in gloomy conditions!!!  Now I'm feeling very awful about it!!!!

We got to Ulverston with plenty of time to spare so walked up on up to the theatre, through the town.   There were already quite a lot of peple arriving anyway.  The theatre wasn't too hot at all, just comfotable and well ventilated.  Our seats were slightly raised and there was no-one behind.  It did feel strange being inside with lots of people and I did occasionally wear a mask (only one other person did) but sometimes I just forgot to take it with me.

The performance was excellent.  Fantastic voices, especially from Mr Bumble (our friend), The Artful Dodger, Nancy, Fagin and Oliver.  

When we left the theatre it had stopped raining again and we managed to take the shortcut down to the car park.  It started raining  heavily as we left Ulverston but we were in the car by then.  No mishaps on the way home.

A very pleasant evening.

Today has been dreich again, so I'm just sorting out some Christmas shopping, a bit of housework  and tidying up photo files. 

G helped Hubby by painting some preserver on the stand and base of our bird table (one  he made).  This is him "at work".  He is fully protected clothes wise because he can get a dizzy or shaky all of a sudden and he was in the garage so no problems there.  What  you can't see is that right behind him hidden from the camera, is a stool in case he needs it and his 4 pronged stick.  Hubby was behind him to help him back up when needed.  G likes to feel he is doing something useful, so as long as we are prepared we can usually find something for him to do.

That's all for today. 

Do take care stay safe and see you all tomorrow.

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